The Owner’s Response Is Spot On!

The Internet has changed so many things in our lives and at times, it may be for the better and at other times, it could be for the worse. This is especially true when it comes to reporting bad behavior on the part of business or leaving a review that either helps a business to flourish or perhaps causes them some type of damage.

It has become commonplace for many people to pull up a review service, such as yelp, before they visit a restaurant or stay in any establishment. It certainly can help to give some guidance as to whether they are going to provide excellent service or if it is better that you go somewhere else. Sometimes, however, people tend to use these services as a way to get out their frustrations or to fulfill a vendetta that they have against the establishment.

The lady in this story was upset about how she was treated at a restaurant. Whether it was legitimate or not is up to you to decide. What I can tell you, however, is the fact that she called him to order something to go and decided that she was not only upset with the restaurant, she even threatened to leave a scathing review on yelp. She kept her word and did so but it isn’t her review that is gaining the attention of many people online, it is the response of the restaurant. Just wait till you see it.

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