Young Man Graduates College And Moves Into His Parents Home Only To Have His Dad Drop The Hammer

I think that all of us look back on our childhood and remember the times that we spent at home. Admittedly, not all of those times are going to be full of giggles and good times but then again, many of us do consider them to be the good old days. That is because we were being cared for by our parents and it was a time in our life when we were relatively carefree, at least compared to the life that we live now. When we get older, however, we go out on our own and begin to live life. It is difficult, but we stick to it. We may even have the opportunity to help our parents in some way or another.

Then again, more and more young adults are choosing to live at home rather than moving out on their own. That was the case for a young man in his 20s who graduated college and moved back into his parent’s home. It isn’t all that unusual for a young adult to do this, but the problem was, the young man felt that he was under his parent’s roof again so they should do everything they were doing for him when he was a child. His mother seemed to be okay with it and at least she didn’t want to make any waves. The father, however, decided that he would impose some rules that included limiting the amount of time that he would have access to Wi-Fi every day, making him clean his own clothes and dishes, and wanting him to chip in. He even locked him out of the Netflix account.

Of course, this created ripples in the family and it was a difficult situation. The mother was clearly upset with the father so the father went online to find out if he was being a jerk about it or not. He did so on Reddit, and he created quite a debate.

Some people felt that he was enabling the child and wasn’t really teaching him a lesson but rather, was just getting his comeuppance. Other people were saying that he was doing the right thing and they were inspired by his stand. I guess it really boils down to what we think as individuals, so what do you think?