A Dangerous Animal Is Hiding in This Image. Can You Find It?

One thing I’m fascinated with is camouflage. I’m not talking about the kind of clothing hunters wear, although I am the proud owner of a pair of camouflage Crocs. I’m talking about the type of camouflage that occurs naturally in nature. When you get outside, you can see animals that have adapted to their surroundings with natural camouflage. For example, insects and animals frequently blend into their surroundings so that they don’t attract much attention. This helps some animals to hide from their predators, and at the same time, it allows predators to hide from their prey.

Predators who can blend into their backgrounds so their prey doesn’t see them approaching are much more likely to enjoy dinner every evening. In the image below, there is a dangerous predator hiding. Can you find him?

Did you find the animal? The thing is, once you see it, you can’t un-see it. Let’s head over to the next page to see this predator.

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