Someone Dropped a Hairclip on This Carpet. Can You Find It?

One of the things that are fascinating to me is when something is hiding in plain sight. Sometimes things have a natural camouflage and it just works out so that it can be really hard to find it. We love the puzzles and fun stuff we see online that has something random hiding in plain sight and we recently found another one that seems impossible to find. Have you ever dropped something and couldn’t find it because it blended in so well with the floor? It happens to me all the time, and to my wife. The most maddening thing is when I drop a small computer screw on the floor. It’s impossible to find them once they’re out of my hand.

In this image, there is a hair clip on the floor that someone dropped. Try to find it. We challenge you.

Did you find it? I would be really surprised if you did. I couldn’t find it. Head over to the next page for the solution.

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