Someone Is Putting Googly Eyes On Broken Street Fixtures In Bulgaria And It Is Better Than Fixing Them

Have you ever noticed how there are certain trends that just seem to catch on very quickly and then they tend to die out just as quickly? A good example is planking, a trend where people would lay on various objects with a stiff body to appear as if they were a plank. This is one of those trends that died out quickly and we were happy that it did.

Of the newer trends is known as eyebombing. Like planking, it is relatively harmless but with this particular trend, we have the opportunity to laugh at some creativity on the part of those that are doing it. In fact, it is one of the trends that we enjoy seeing when it happens to come our way so we only hope that it continues to grow in popularity as the years go by a.

The process of eyebombing is relatively simple. You look for various items in the world around you and you put little googly eyes on them to personalize them in some way or another. It doesn’t matter if it is a tree at the local park or a broken Street meter downtown, adding some of these fake guys can certainly put a smile on your face.

It seems as if this trend is not limited to the area of the United States. In fact, it has now reached Bulgaria, thanks to a street artist known as Vanyu Krastev. Take a look down through the following pictures and you will see that he is rather good at taking broken items in the city where he lives and turning them into creatures, just by adding some of these little googly eyes to them. Enjoy!












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