Tell Me You Don’t See A Donkey Before You See The Seal!

Although most of us tend to trust what we see when it is in front of our very eyes, there are reasons why we might want to think twice when we are looking at everything. At first glance, we may see something in one way but as we look more closely at what we are seeing, there may be something else that comes into view. In some cases, it is a matter of perception and we might perceive something that is not actually there. At the same time, however, it may also have to do with an optical illusion. I think both of those issues are coming together in the following picture.

If you were to look at the following picture and see one particular type of animal and most people were going to have the same perception when they look at the image. As you look more closely, however, you may suddenly realize that there is more than one animal that hides within the simple image below. Depending upon what you see, it may just say something about your personality. Why not try this simple test for yourself? We realize that it is all in fun, but you might be surprised with the fact that you see something that most people don’t.

A seal – if you are somebody that sees the seal first, then you really have some attention for detail. Most people are not going to see it and some have a difficult time seeing this animal, even after looking at the picture with fresh eyes. Because of your attention to detail, you tend to be very good at overcoming struggles in life that would stop the average person. You also tend to be a very analytical person that can work out complex calculations in your mind.

A donkey – the people that tend to see the donkey first are the largest group and they have a lot of intuition. You see things on the surface that are right in front of you, so you may be more reactive when it comes to finding yourself in difficult situations. Your ability to anticipate and overcome issues makes you a very handy person to have around.