Science Has Now Successfully Crossed Human And Monkey Cells To Make Embryos

There is no doubt that science has moved ahead in recent years. It has even bridged the gap between science and science fiction in many cases. Sometimes, we may hear about things that we never thought were possible. We may have seen similar in the movies and perhaps they had been talked about for many years but suddenly, we are facing the reality, thanks to what science is able to do. There are also times when science may move forward and we wonder why they were moving in that direction.

In this particular case, scientists were able to create embryos that contained cells from two different species. They had cells from humans and cells from monkeys, and they were able to create an embryo that was similar to a human. They were doing this because they wanted to generate organs for people who needed transplants. They had tried in the past to mix human DNA with those of sheep or pigs, but this is the first time it seems as if they are successful in their endeavor.

Researchers from China and the United States injected some stem cells from humans into embryos from those monkeys. The researchers found out that the human cells started to grow in many of the embryos and they survived for 19 days.

Unfortunately, this leads to some rather serious ethical questions. Perhaps it leads to some questions in your mind as well.