Everyone Goes Silent When The Lion Reached For The Dog’s Paw

There are many interesting things that we might hear and, at times, they fit right into the conversation. For example, we might hear about birds of a feather flocking together. That is a normal saying that basically means that we tend to hang out with those that are similar to us. At the same time, however, there is also a saying about two people making ‘strange bedfellows’. In other words, they may be different but they do quite well together. That is exactly how you will feel after watching the following video. It might even bring you to tears.

The strange bedfellows you see in this video have been together for a while. They are staying together at the Black Jaguar White Tiger foundation and they have been friends since they were young. Most people would never have thought about the body that could form between two animals that are so different from each other but Miki the lion and Camila the chocolate lab are true friends through and through. In fact, when they meet here on the property, Miki can’t help but say hello to his friend Camila in the cutest way.

If you were to see this video without realizing they were friends, you might be concerned about what Miki was doing. After all, she lifts the dog’s paw and gives it a gentle kiss. It’s a beautiful moment that we are so fortunate to have seen.

This video is one that gives us hope. Not that we are going to see lions and dogs everywhere suddenly getting along. Rather, it gives us hope that if peace can exist with the king of the jungle, perhaps it can exist with us.