If you’ve been paying any attention to the news recently, you realize that there is a large portion of the United States that has been affected by wildfires. These fires have burned up more acres of land than most of us could ever even realize and it wasn’t associated with one specific area. Those wildfires affected every state from California and Tennessee to Oregon and Arizona. As a result of those fires burning, millions of people have been affected in some way or another. Some were affected in a minor way but others lost everything they owned.
Most of us focus on the humans who were displaced as a result of those fires or those who perhaps even lost their lives as a result of them. In reality, it is not only humans who were affected but it is also animals. After all, it is their home that is being destroyed and they’re often the silent victims of those infernos. When the Kraus family faced wildfires in their area, they were concerned but their house did manage to escape the fire. That couldn’t be said, however, for the local wildlife.
George Kraus discovered two animals who were frightened and exhausted from avoiding the fire. It was a wildcat and a baby deer, who were trying to breathe in all of the smoke. George knew a little something about rescuing animals so he brought them home and nursed them back to health. It wasn’t long before they began to get along with the other pets that he had rescued as well.
It took a while before they were able to earn the trust of the Bobcat, Benji. Before long, however, that bobcat became just as much of a family member as the domestic cats that lived in the home. He started snuggling with the humans, playing with toys and enjoying taking naps on the furniture.
Benji has lived with the family for years but this is not something that everybody should consider doing. It takes an experienced animal rescuer, such as George, because wildcats need a special type of care. As you look at the interaction and the bond that is shown by this family, you can’t help but be touched at what took place.
You can see it all in this special video: