Marriage is an institution that we all take seriously. When we enter into the marriage relationship, it is with the understanding that it is going to last forever. We both have high hopes for the future and we start off on our life together, determined to make it work, come what may. Unfortunately, things doing always quite turn out like we would expect.
Although we don’t get married with the intention of getting divorced, there are times when it just ends up that way. Perhaps it is one person who decides to step outside of the boundaries or it may be mutual, but in either case, divorce happens. In fact, when you look at the statistics, you see that it not only happens, it is a rather frequent occurrence. More and more often, marriages are ending in divorce.
Some people like to call divorce taking the “easy way out” but ask anyone who has been through it and they will tell you, it is anything but easy. Even if both parties in the marriage are fairly amicable, there are still going to be times when things just don’t go as they should. It is at that point, when we start feeling the pressure, that we have a decision to make. We can either allow the divorce to get the best of us and lose our cool, or we can put our best foot forward and look for the silver lining.
Regardless of the situation we find ourselves in, there is always going to be a bright side. Even if we are talking about something as difficult as divorce, we can look to that bright side and make the most of it. Don’t believe me? Take a look at these pictures!
1. Your own personal castle
2. Fresh off of the presses
3. I couldn’t have said it any better.
4. I can’t believe he didn’t laugh
5. That’s funny!
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