It All Went Wrong When The Evil Clown On A Tricycle Said ‘You Wanna Play A Little Game’?

When you are a student in school, you often look after your academic career and do what you can to make sure that you get from one grade to another successfully. There is also something else that you do whenever you’re in school, you tend to have a good time with your friends. Perhaps you haven’t seen your friends for a very long time and suddenly, you are all back in school again and enjoying every day with each other. Sure, there are problems along the way but often, it is the camaraderie that we have with our fellow students that allows us to get through the day.

Perhaps that is what was going on in the following video. One of the students was riding a tricycle and he was dressed up as Billy the clown, from the Saw movies. I’m sure that it was a lot of fun to watch a friend of yours riding a tricycle through the school hallway and saying that iconic line, “you want to play a little game?” Everybody was laughing when they were watching him riding the tricycle but that is when something truly funny happened. It seems as if the tricycle was not made for that particular individual and it ended up breaking down right in front of everyone.

Suddenly, Billy the clown was on his back on the floor and the tricycle was in several pieces. He lay there for a moment but his friends didn’t hesitate, they started laughing so hard that they were falling down on the floor as well.

We don’t often have the opportunity to laugh like this. We may chuckle at a joke or perhaps laugh at a funny movie but it is moments like this that we carry with us for a very long time. I hope that you enjoy the laugh that the video and enjoy that as well.