8 Stories About Keanu Reeves That Show Why He Is The Kindest Actor In Hollywood

What is the impression that you have of Hollywood actors? Most of us tend to think about somebody that is either standing in front of the camera or trying to run from the paparazzi. They tend to be very distant when it comes to getting close to anyone who isn’t also a Hollywood star. They may even tend to look down their noses at others, which can be very frustrating. That is especially true when you consider the fact that the ‘common people’ are behind their fame.

Every once in a while, you hear about a Hollywood actor who is different from the others. They may do things differently or perhaps they may interact with other people in a way that really makes them stand out. Keanu Reeves is one of those individuals. Although he is a very famous actor and has played a number of notable roles, he still maintains a relatively modest way of life. That modesty has led to a number of rumors, including some about his unusual personality.

You can learn more about Keanu Reeves and why he is considered to be one of the kindest actors in Hollywood.

He Had a Humble Beginning – When Keanu was only three years old, his father left the family. He was arrested for selling drugs and his mother moved to Australia and then the United States and Canada. Keanu had a number of foster fathers during that time and because he changed locations frequently, he had problems within the educational system. He wanted to be a hockey player when he got older but he was in an accident, and it kept him from seeking that dream.

His Girlfriend Died in a Car Accident – Jennifer Syme, his girlfriend died in a car accident and they lost a baby shortly before the accident occurred. He hasn’t been in a serious relationship since. River Phoenix, his best friend also died from a drug overdose.

He Refuses Large Roles If the Character Is Cruel – Reeves even reduced his salary to $2 million so Al Pacino could be in The Devils Advocate. He also did the same for Gene Hackman.

His Younger Sister Had Leukemia – A large portion of the money he earned from The Matrix went to the treatment for his sister to fight leukemia. Not many Hollywood celebrities would do this. He doesn’t have bodyguards, a large wardrobe and he often takes the Metro.

Kiana Bought Himself a Cup Cake and Coffee for His Birthday – Just another reason why he is a fantastic human being.

He Takes Public Transportation – He even gives up his seat on occasion!

On one occasion, two men were trespassing near the Hollywood sign in Los Angeles and were running from the law. They ended up in Keanu’s backyard, where he was cleaning the pool while listening to Metallica. They asked for the way out and he pointed the way, apologizing that he couldn’t give them a lift because he was dirty from cleaning the pool.

He is famous for saying “A photo can say more than a thousand words but sometimes words mean nothing. I am an absolutely happy person.”