Nothing changes your life like having children, and that goes for people in Hollywood as well. When we have kids, our lives shift suddenly and we have to devote all of our time and attention to the little ones. That’s exactly what happened to an actor named Michael Winslow, who starred in the hit movie “Police Academy” back in the day. He got thrown some curveballs in the way of children and he had to step away from his acting career unexpectedly when his wife died. He dedicated himself to life as a single dad and didn’t look back until recently.
His children are grown now, and Winslow has made an epic return. He refers to himself as a “voicetramentalist,” because he has some interesting skills. In more than 25 TV shows and movies in the 1980s, he stunned viewers with his skill, and he can make nearly any sound with his mouth. Winslow’s first wife, Belinda, died and everything changed for the budding young actor. However, he recently went on America’s Got Talent to show his skills in front of viewers from all over the world. Immediately, judge Simon Cowell recognized Winslow and there were high expectations.
With comedy, storytelling, and sheer talent, Winslow displayed what sets him apart from other comedians who audition for AGT. He started talking about his childhood but shifted into more captivating subjects. He has a way of bringing stories to life with his fascinating sound effects, and people in the audience were in awe when he was done. He got a standing ovation and four huge yeses from the delighted judges, who love a comeback story as much as the rest of us. Watch his original performance in Police Academy in this video, then scroll down to see his AGT performance.
Here he is on America’s Got Talent. Well done, sir!