A Dangerous Mountain Lion Is Hiding in These Rocks. Can You Find Him?

When it comes to nature, one thing that really interests me is the way animals camouflage themselves. The natural assumption is that animals camouflage themselves to protect themselves from predators. While that is true, the fact is, predators use camouflage to their advantage as well. Just think about human hunters. They wear camouflage so that the deer or whatever they’re hunting don’t see them. Predators need to be able to blend into the background so that they can ambush their prey and pounce when the victims least suspect it. There are five types of animal camouflage: disruptive coloration, active camouflage, color matching, mimesis, and self-decoration.

In the image below, there is a mountain lion hiding. Can you find it? The type of camouflage the animal is using is disruptive coloration and color matching. Do your best and try to find this guy. And when you see him, you can’t un-see him. However, just imagine yourself walking out in nature without suspecting that you’re being watched by a dangerous predator.

Did you find the big cat? Head over to the next page and we’ll show him to you.

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