I Highly Doubt You Will See The Obvious Answer To This Simple Question

There is something interesting that happens when we are presented with an issue. We automatically try to solve the problem, regardless of whether we are actively looking for a solution or not. Of course, there are some people who tend to be “problem solvers” naturally and it doesn’t matter what type of situation they are in, they are going to be looking for solutions. Those individuals are sometimes handy to have around and at other times, they may be just a little bit annoying. After all, we don’t always want to have our problems solved, there are going to be times when we want to solve them ourselves.

Perhaps that is what we find so interesting about the following question. When you look at it, it almost seems as if there is no obvious solution to it. After all, the man has three different doors to choose from and although each of them is different, it doesn’t necessarily seem as if one may be a better choice to open than another. At the same time, however, there is a solution but 99% of the people who are reading the question are not going to come up with the answer. How will you do?

Try to figure out the answer to this question and then check the following page to see how well you did.

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