84-Year-Old Veteran’s Life Saved by Heroic Cat: The Incredible Tale of Fluffy’s Quick Thinking

We sometimes hear about people who become heroes. They may just be at the right place at the right time but they do the right thing, and that makes all the difference.

There is also a hero in the following story about an 84-year-old veteran. It wasn’t somebody rushing in from the outside, however, it was his beloved cat and that feline saved his life.

Fluffy, the cat, was there at home when his human, Ron Williams, slipped and fell. The story actually started prior to that, however, when someone had dropped off the cat for him as a special gift.

Ron admits that he looked at the cat and just fell in love with him.

After being best friends for a while, Fluffy decided to take things to the next level by becoming an actual hero to him.

It started when Ron fell while coming out of the shower and he didn’t have anyone there at home to look after him. He had landed in a position where he wasn’t able to move and his life alert was on the charger in another room.

He also wasn’t able to reach the cell phone because it was up on the counter and he was on the floor. Hours passed as Ron continued to lose hope.

He said: “My arm was pinned under me, and the hours kept going by.”

Ron didn’t have any choice but to lay on the floor and hope that someone would come in to find him before he died. It seems as if he didn’t have to wait very long because Fluffy was there for him already.

The 84-year-old veteran had played a game with his cat in order to pass the time even prior to falling. He said: “The phone would ring, and I would say ‘ring-a-ding'”

Ron had fallen at 8 o’clock in the morning and he laid there until midnight. Fluffy was in the room to keep him company but the cat took things to the next level when Ron reached out to him in desperation.

Ron said: “I said ‘ring-a-ding Fluffy, you’re my only hope. And he was. It wasn’t even five minutes later I felt something hit my hand. And I’m here because of it.”

As it turns out, what had struck his hand was his cell phone. All of those times that he had played the ‘ring-a-ding’ game with Fluffy, he was teaching the cat what the term meant. Fluffy realized that it meant his cell phone, so he was giving the cell phone to him to play the game.

The 84-year-old veteran said: “I relive it a million times. What if he wouldn’t have been in there with me? I’d be dead today.”

Fortunately, Ron only had a few bumps and bruises as a result of the fall but in his eyes, his cat is his hero and he always will be. He said: “He’ll never be away from me until the day I die.”

You can see more in this video: